
Random quotes from the greatest friends in the world.

Friday, January 23, 2004

Thank god for Massachusetts 

Anastasia326: If I were to go by emails, I'd marry Jonathan
FoxtrotXR: ditto
FoxtrotXR: and you second
Anastasia326: SECOND?!
FoxtrotXR: justin would far, far down the list
FoxtrotXR: well
FoxtrotXR: he is male
Anastasia326: SECOND?!?
FoxtrotXR: unless we lived in massachusetts
FoxtrotXR: in which case you would undoubtedly be first

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

SMW: You're a bit high strung this morning.
JAS: Am I? It's hard to tell. Everything's so colorful.

Saturday, January 17, 2004

JH: Is it wrong that I have a series of imaginary secretaries...?
JH: Well, we'll leave that one for my hypothetical therapist

Alexis and Shangrila muse on the state of their little Queendom 

AJ: my heart flutters!
SW: you're so easy to please
SW: I love that about you
SW: not high maintenance like the boys
AJ: hehehe
AJ: we do know some high-maintenance boys
SW: we certainly do
AJ: i think it's directly related to how effeminate they are


SW: recently, I've noticed that the word "Republican" engenders in me the same reaction as "disease-ridden whore'
SW: well, to be perfectly accurate "two-weeks-deceased disease-ridden whore"

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