
Random quotes from the greatest friends in the world.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Ah yes, dinner with Shangrila... 

"It's like the Great Continental Shelf...most people's napkins catch crumbs, my breasts do."

Sunday, July 25, 2004

I've kidnapped them in Chicago... 

Alexis:  My computer is reconsidering its options.
Rachel:  Well kudos to it for not settling.

Alexis:  Why are all the cute and sweet men gay?!?  I feel like I'm being punished for something I didn't do!

Shangrila:  (after playing with the wax dripping off the candle all night...and us ignoring her while she ignores her second martini.  grrr...light weight!)  I'm keeping the flame alive!  I'm like the Olympic torch bearer!

*So yeah, fine, they all seemed funny at the moment!

Shangrila: We've been to Starbucks four times....Oh my God we're turning into Jonathan!

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